Tuesday, July 30, 2024



The following originated from an email for a group that gives support to victims of court corruption; and as you can see below the judiciary often allegedly abuses qualified immunities to run roughshod over innocent individuals deserving equal protections and respect...

Welcome to the Community for Court Victims to network, support and find each other. We are NOT legal BAR members, so we do not provide legal advice. We do offer first-hand experience, support and what you can do to get justice. We host multiple sites, all focused on helping expose judicial corruption. Please consider each site below and the purpose of that site below.

1) www.chat.courtvictim.com -- The Community where you register and gain access to other court victims / 2) www.courtvictim.com -- A directory of Court Victims and their abusers, judges, lawyers etc / 3) www.cleancourts.org -- A directory where you can anonymously add your abuse via state and county / 4) www.jail4uglyjudge.com -- A directory of corrupt judges to warn others and document a pattern / 5) www.uglyjudge.com Original corruption website that set the standards and helped start a movement / 6) www.elderlylivesmatterUSA.org Website for elder abuse, Probate, Free Britney & Kasem Cares...

"The Community" where you can network, share and find support. We are NOT LAWYERS nor do we provide legal advice. The majority of time if you find yourself in a court where evidence, facts, documentation and witnesses are ignored you're being victimized by a corrupt court which often means no amount of money or lawyers will get you justice. 

The problem is NOT more laws because a corrupt judge is often bribed via property loans. It is possible to recuse a corrupt judge by researching the judge's finances, which are public record. This can be done via reading www.uglyjudge.com or contacting or taking a class HERE -- Document everything you do, keep copies of anything you report, to whom, what was said, dates, times and names. CPS, APS, Ombudsman, FBI, DOJ, City Attorney, State Attorney, Federal Attorney, Judicial complaint agencies such as "Commission on Judicial Performance" For CA but all states have similar agencies. Police, Sheriff etc;

Judges and Lawyers abuse immunity to steal, perjure and cheat people out of legal fees and bribes. It's an epidemic that has been going on for decades. Government, FBI and DOJ are well aware of the corruption but because all these agencies are now overseen by legal BAR members (lawyers) victim reports and cries for help are all but ignored.

NEVER TRUST LAWYERS, they are sworn to oath to the BAR (other BAR members) and even those who pretend to help will turn on you and make a backroom deal to sell you out. This is common. If you note, any lawyer who exposes BAR crimes will be disbarred, not supported so that justice can take place. The tactics of a corrupt court: Violation of Due Process, Violation of law, corrupt courts will just ignore any law, rights, legislation or even Canon code. Ignore evidence, witness statements, documentation or fact destroy evidence, edit transcripts, alter documents overturn Power of Attorney, Wills, Trusts etc;

"Corrupt courts DON'T want the media or public to know about their crimes and abuse, so they will often do anything they can, even violate your rights, break the law or imprison you on false charges. These are the tactics of dishonorable judges and unethical lawyers. Sealing records, gag orders and even extortion by threatening you with jail are common..."

Contact the FBI -- you may have to search for the form to report your abuse by state and city. But take screenshots, make sure you print to PDF a copy of your report before sending. Contact the DOJ Same as above. Remember one day you may have to prove you reported these crimes for legal action or to prove these agencies ignored you;

YOU ARE DOING THE FOLLOWING: To help organize your abuse, location of abuse, judges who commit these abuses and to get exposure (If you wish) it's optional. However, media won't find you to help if you are too concerned about your identity

STEPS: 1. Add your case location to www.cleancourts.org 2. Add your judge(s) to www.jail4uglyjudge.com / 3. Add your abusers to www.courtvictim.com / 4. Register and take part at "The Community" For court victims. Join Groups, search the forums and chat live, by text, audio or video privately or in groups / 5. Look into supporting and helping pass "Dr. Richard I. Fine's Amend SBX 2 11 Legislation for restitution, citizen oversight and control of our judiciary;


Who we work with: Sherry and Brad Lund (Disney Family) Activist and Court Victims / Dr. Richard I. Fine, Lawyer who spent 18 months in jail for exposing 90% of CA judges accept bribes / Brian Vukadinovich Author, Activist, Pro Se / John Foddrill Sr. Author, Former Telecommunications manager / Network with other court victims at www.chat.courtvictim.com

Get your corrupt judge added to the internet's biggest corrupt judge database!

updated: 31 jul 2024